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This is the documentation for v3.5.0 and lower, for documentation for v4.0.0 and higher, see


Before starting installation, make sure that you have Python installed (version 3.9 or more recent).

Pip is a package manager, installed along with Python, that we use to install ObsidianHtml and all its dependencies. Often you need to update pip after installing Python to have it work. ^d87747

Do this by executing the following command:

pip install --upgrade pip

On Windows

Windows can require some extra attention to get started. Read Tutorial - Installation on Windows for a deep dive.

Windows needs pythonnet to be installed. You should be able to do this by running this command:

pip install --pre pythonnet

In the future the --pre might become obsolete.

If this doesn't work consult and please let us know: Report Issues & Request features so that we can improve this instruction.


You can choose to install ObsidianHtml via the official PyPi package, or opt to use the latest build.

The latest build will have more features / bugs fixed, but will often also have more new bugs. We advice to use the latest published version, and only opt for the most recent version if you run into problems.

Latest published version

pip install obsidianhtml

Most recent build

pip install git+

For developers

If you want to easily edit the code and run that, follow these instructions.


To uninstall, run:

pip uninstall obsidianhtml