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Links in included notes do not work or show up as external

This is the documentation for v3.5.0 and lower, for documentation for v4.0.0 and higher, see

Applies to versions: v1.0.2 and earlier
Fixed in version v1.1.0


If a note contains a link, and this note is included in another note, that is at a different folder depth, then the relative links in the markdown output are not corrected.


Just upgrade to v1.1.0, it is fixed there

Workaround for earlier versions

The workaround should be to set relative_path_md to false, forcing absolute paths in the markdown output. But this workaround did not work for version v1.0.1 and lower due to a bug, this workaround is valid only for version v1.0.2.

Though succesful in avoiding this bug, this setting would make the markdown output not navigable in certain markdown readers, such as gitlab and vs code preview mode.


This issue is fixed starting from version v1.1.0, as there the code for getting the included note code is aware of the page depth of the calling note, allowing for the links to be generated correctly from the get go.


A regression test has been added for this usecase.