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Install a different version

This is the documentation for v3.5.0 and lower, for documentation for v4.0.0 and higher, see

When you make a feature request or a bug report, often you'll be asked to check if the latest changes made to the code solve your issues. These changes won't be in a release yet, so you'll have to install them in a slightly different way.

If you want to clone the git code, make changes, and then run your own custom code, take a look here: Run custom code.

Install master branch

Run the following command in your terminal. This should remove the installed version and replace it with the version that is under development.

pip uninstall obsidianhtml
pip install git+

Install a different branch

Append the command above with @branch_name, for example:

pip uninstall obsidianhtml
pip install git+

We often add a test string so you can double check that you are running the correct code. In the above example (which will probably not exist anymore when you read this), running obsidianhtml --test will give:

$ obsidianhtml --test                                                                                                                                   
test 3.2.0 shutil test