
Sites using ObsidianHtml

Below are a couple websites that use ObsidianHtml.

If you want to share your vault in this list, drop a link here: https://github.com/obsidian-html/obsidian-html/issues/383

Name Url Type Description
Notkesto https://notes.psycake.subspace.club Knowlegde base Personal collection of notes. Mostly geared toward mathematics.
Helpful math notes https://mathnotes.mhdser.com/ Knowlegde base A collection of helpful notes and info on key topics within undergraduate math courses.
Geyserland Bikepacking Adventures http://geyserlandbikepackingadventures.nz/ Website Geyserland Bikepacking Adventures promotes bikepacking in the Rotorua region
Cyber-Samadhi https://zubayrrr.github.io/ Personal wiki This is my [zubayrrr's] personal wiki, a commonplace book, a digital garden, a Second Brain; notes by me, for me.
Blogmonster https://blog.sev.monster/index.html Personal wiki This blog is an attempt to clean up and publish some of my more complete musings into a format that might be interesting or helpful to someone—perhaps future me.
Vault of Knowledge https://blacklightpy.github.io/vaultofknowledge/ Personal wiki/Knowledge Base "I hope to turn this site into something useful which I can share with my friends, and everyone else as well. Most of the notes are in the World Building/Science and Engineering folder."
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