

High level

Note selection features


Feature Short description Default
Include notes The ability to use the ![[note]] syntax to include a note. Not toggleable.
Erase comments Remove anything in between %% Enabled

HTML features


These features implement standard Obsidian behavior in the html output.

Feature Short description Default
Backlinks Adds the backlinks to the note at the bottom of the note. Enabed
Call-outs Enable call-outs Enabled
Graph view Add graph view at the bottom of the note Enabled
Mathjax support Convert mathjax code to formulas Enabled
Mermaid diagrams Convert mermaid code to diagrams Enabled
Smiles Show molecule diagrams Disabled
Styling Enable user to switch between light and dark mode / Choose a different layout. Enabled
Side panes Only for Documentation layout. Configure side panes and their content. Enabled
Table of Contents Add TOC to side-pane instead of in note / add TOC to notes when missing Enabled
Tags Page Add a list of tags under each note. Nb: the default preserve_inline_tags setting will create polluted md output! Enabled
Slugify html links Have better readable/shareable links by slugifying the html paths Disabled
Add Figcaptions Create a <figcaption> for the image when an alt text is set. Enabled


These features add functionality from popular obsidian plugins, or extra functionality that make sense for websites (such as an RSS feed).

Feature Short description Default
Embedded note title Have h1 headers be added to your notes so you have more levels to work with Enabled
Folder Notes Open a note when you click on a directory Enabled
RSS Feed Output an rss feed. Disabled
Create Index from Directory Structure Create a homepage based on your directory structure Enabled, but points to obs.html/dir_index.html instead of index.html by default.
Website navigation menu Add shortcuts at the top of the page. Enabled, but empty list
Breadcrumbs Add the path to the note at the top of the note Disabled, but enabled on this website
Embedded search Parse embedded search blocks (within query fenced code blocks) Disabled


Post processing

Transformations to the generated markdown output. This step is done at the very end which means that these post processing transformations have no effect on the html output (if you do the entire conversion step in one go, that is)! Read more here: Markdown post processing

Feature Short description Default
md_markdown_callouts Convert callouts from obsidian syntax to py block syntax Disabled



See Configuration Options for a detailed look at all the configuration options available.

Left-click: follow link, Right-click: select node, Scroll: zoom