
Configuration Options

This page goes through all the configuration options and will refer to features. For a toplevel view of these features, see Features.

Certain settings change the flow of how notes are selected and presented on the homepage. You can find a glossary on those in Modes.

Get all the default settings

Where has this setting gone?

ObsidianHtml is evolving a little bit each new version. A setting might become obsolete or replaced by a new feature with its own configurations. You can find all the deprecated/removed settings here: Deprecated Configurations.

Note settings

To change the behavior of obsidianhtml specifically for one tag, see Note settings.



config Short description
obsidian_folder_path_str The location of your vault directory
obsidian_entrypoint_path_str The location of your entrypoint note
md_folder_path_str The (output/input) location of your markdown files
md_entrypoint_path_str The (output/input) location of your markdown entrypoint file
html_output_folder_path_str The output location of your html files

Operational settings

config Short description
Exclude Subfolders Subfolders from your vault directory to ignore
Copy Vault to Tempdir (On/Off) Copy vault into temp dir prior to parsing
included_file_suffixes List of all suffixes that should be treated as files, not notes
video_format_suffixes List of all suffixes that should be treated as video files
audio_format_suffixes List of all suffixes that should be treated as audio files

HTML settings

config Short description
Site name Name of your website, to be used in the <title> and such
Html Url Prefix Used to deploy your website to http://domain.name/[html_url_prefix]/
navbar_links Set the website navigation menu items.
Html Template Path Str Used to pass in your own custom template
Html Custom Inclusions Used to pass in your own css/js files


config Short description
Compile Md Used to skip the obsidian --> markdown compilation step
Compile Html Used to skip the markdown --> html compilation step
Process all Include all notes. Read more: Process All
verbose_printout Used for debugging, show in detail what is going on during processing.
Allow Duplicate Filenames in Root By default ObsidianHtml doesn't allow multiple files with the same filename, but when compile_md: False, this can be turned off.
Warn on Skipped Image By default ObsidianHtml warns on images that could not be found locally, with this setting you can turn this off.
no_clean Use if you want to clean the output directories yourself, e.g. to preserve the .git folder.
no_tabs Turn off tabs. Read more: NoTabs Mode
relative_path_md Compile markdown links relatively or with absolute paths
relative_path_html Compile html links relatively or with absolute paths
external_blank Control whether external links will open in a new tab or not
preserve_inline_tags Control whether inline tags will be removed from the note
strict line breaks Act like normal markdown with regards to line breaks

Feature settings

config Short description
Styling Configure the layout and layout setting. Read more Styling
Graph Configure the graph view. Read more Graph view
Create Index From Tags Configure ObsidianHtml to create an index.md / .html based on matching notes on tags.
Create Index From Directory Structure Overwrite the index.html file with an index that lists all the folders and files in a tree structure.
Backlinks Turn backlinks on or off.
RSS Feed Compile (a selection of) your notes into an RSS Feed.
Folder Notes Attach a note to a folder.
Simple feature toggles Ability to disable various components
Embedded note title Add an h1 header automatically



# The first folder that contains all obsidian files
# Can be absent when toggles/compile_md == False
# Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
obsidian_folder_path_str: '<REQUIRED_INPUT>'

If you want to only compile markdown to html (Configuration Options), and not use an obsidian vault as input, you can change value to anything other than <REQUIRED_INPUT>.


# The note that will be used as the index.html 
# should be in obsidian_folder_path_str
# Can be absent when toggles/compile_md == False
# Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
obsidian_entrypoint_path_str: '<REQUIRED_INPUT>'

If you want to only compile markdown to html (Configuration Options), and not use an obsidian vault as input, you can change value to anything other than <REQUIRED_INPUT>.


# Input and output path of markdown files
# This can be an absolute or a relative path (relative to the working directory when calling obsidianhtml)
# Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
md_folder_path_str:  'output/md'


# Markdown entrypoint path
# This has to be md_folder_path_str + '/index.md' when toggles/compile_md == True
# This can be an absolute or a relative path (relative to the working directory when calling obsidianhtml)
# Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
md_entrypoint_path_str: 'output/md/index.md'


# Output path of HTML files
# This can be an absolute or a relative path (relative to the working directory when calling obsidianhtml)
# Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
html_output_folder_path_str: 'output/html'


Exclude Subfolders

# Exclude subfolders
# These are relative to obsidian_folder_path_str
# To exclude a folder two levels deep, use level1/level2
  - ".obsidian"
  - ".trash"
  - ".DS_Store"
  - ".git"

ObsidianHtml will go through the entire vault and build a file tree. To have this work, we can't have duplicate file names. Of course, this is normally not an issue because this is also not allowed in Obsidian. However, there are some hidden folders in every vault that can share filenames with your notes. Aside from that, we don't need to parse those folders anyways.

This setting will make the file tree builder ignore those folders. If you have personal notes in certain folders that you don't want to have end up on a website, you can add those here too.

Include subfolders

# When not an empty list, this setting will restrict the subfolders
# of the vault that will be included. This allows you to ensure that
# only those folders are included in the output. Links pointing to notes
# outside of the included folders will be treated as non-existent.
# Note that the obsidian_entrypoint_path_str needs to be in one of these folders.
# Paths should be relative to the vault root.
included_folders: []

See also Converting just one subfolder in your vault if you want to export just one subfolder as if it is your entire vault.

Copy Vault to Tempdir

# Safety feature: make a copy of the provided vault, and operate on that, so that bugs are less likely to affect the vault data. 
# Should be fine to turn off if copying the vault takes too long / disk space is too limited.
# The tempdir is automatically removed on exit of the program.
copy_vault_to_tempdir: True

# Determines the function to use to copy your vault over to the tempdir.
# `default` will try to use rsync if it is installed, and otherwise use `shutil`
# `rsync` will do the same, but give a warning when it falls back to shutil
# `shutil` will just use shutil to copy. Use this when rsync is installed but is giving problems.
copy_vault_to_tempdir_method: default

# Enable to print the files being copied
copy_vault_to_tempdir_follow_copy: false

Read more: Copy vault to temp dir

This setting should be enabled for the option Create index from tags to work. Because it needs to write a file to the obsidian vault location, and thus we can not guarantee that we don't alter your vault if this setting is turned off.


Added in v1.0.0

included_file_suffixes: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'pdf', 'mp4', 'webm', 'mp3', 'wav']

ObsidianHtml needs to be able to discern between included notes and included files, because included files need to be treated differently to included notes in the processing steps.

This is a configurable setting because we might've missed certain suffixes of files that are includable. If you find any that you miss, please let us know, so we can add them in the new version. In the mean time you can add them for your own setup via this setting.


Added in v1.1.0

video_format_suffixes: ['mp4', 'webm']

Used to convert an inclusion statement to a video html tag.

This is a configurable setting because we might've missed certain suffixes of files that are includable. If you find any that you miss, please let us know, so we can add them in the new version. In the mean time you can add them for your own setup via this setting.

Note that if you add it yourself here, the passed in mime-type might be missing. This might or might not be an issue depending on your browser/OS.


Added in v1.1.0

audio_format_suffixes: ['wav', 'mp3']

See also the comments on video_format_suffixes.

HTML Output

Site name

# Will be inputted into the Html template as page title
# Not used anywhere else atm.
site_name: 'Obsidian-Html/Notes'

Html Url Prefix

# Use when deploying to https://mydomain.com/html_prefix/ instead of https://mydomain.com/
# use '/html_prefix' (prepend slash, no slash at the end)
html_url_prefix: ''

The comments in the yaml above explain this feature pretty well.

Extra note though: when setting this value, make sure to also edit the html_output_folder_path_str setting, to end with the same prefix, if you want to be able test locally.

Added in v2.0.0

navbar_links: []

Read more: Website navigation menu

Html Template Path Str

# Provide the fullpath to a template file to use instead of standard template. 
# Note that this file must contain at least "{content}" somewhere in the page.
html_template_path_str: ''

Read more: Edit HTML, CSS, JS

Html Custom Inclusions

# Provide an array of custom inclusions (css, javascript, etc) that you would like to be included in the resultant html
html_custom_inclusions: []

Read more: Edit HTML, CSS, JS


These are the first second level settings. If you have multiple settings, make sure to combine them. So not like this:

# wrong
  compile_md: True

  compile_html: True

But like this:

# good
  compile_md: True
  compile_html: True

When in doubt, look at the default config yaml: Configuration Options.

Compile Md

  # Opt-in/-out of Obsidian->Md conversion, set to False when using proper markdown as input
  compile_md: True

If this setting is turned off, the steps of converting obsidian notes to markdown will be skipped, and the markdown to html conversion will start immediately from md_folder_path_str and md_entrypoint_path_str.

This method is not tested often, nor tested well, expect issues when you use this option. If you do, please let us know: Report Issues & Request features

Note that even though the obsidian paths are not used, they are still required inputs, so fill them in with a tempdir or another kind of placeholder. See also Configuration Options.

Compile Html

  # Opt-in/-out of Md->Html conversion, set to False when only wanting to get proper markdown from Obsidian
  compile_html: True

Turn on or off the markdown to html conversion.

Process all

  # If this is false only the entrypoint and all its links (recursively) are processed
  # if true all the notes will be processed
  process_all: False

The normal behavior of ObsidianHtml is to take an entrypoint note, convert it, and then do the same for all the links on the page, and so on and so forth.

To include all notes in your vault in the output, set this value to true. The notes that can not be reached through the index.html can be found via the Graph view or the Tags Page.

See also Process All.


  # Can be overwritten ad-hoc by using "obsidianhtml -i config.yml -v" (the -v option)
  verbose_printout: False

Allow Duplicate Filenames in Root

  # This option should be False for Obsidian->Md, but can be True when compile_md == False
  # Setting it to True will cause an error when two files with the same file name are found anywhere in the input folder
  allow_duplicate_filenames_in_root: False

If you are converting markdown to html directly, then all the links should have already been figured out. So then it should be fine to have duplicate names in your root. You can set this setting to True then.

Warn on Skipped Image

  # Sometimes linked images that should be local (based on the path) cannot be found.
  # Toggle this to False to disable warnings if that happens.
  warn_on_skipped_image: True

This setting is enabled by default because it can be tricky to notice a random image missing on a random page.

The thing is that this will also warn you for external images, so there is no harm in turning off this setting if there are no issues with your images being included.


  # This will skip emptying output folders, if you want to implement this yourself
  no_clean: False

This refers to the markdown and html output folders. If you want to output html directly into a git repo, then by default it will remove the .git directory. To avoid this, you can write your own cleanup script to remove the previous output before running.


New in version v1.2.0 Removed in version v2.0.0

  # This will skip emptying output folders, if you want to implement this yourself
  no_tabs: False

Read more: NoTabs Mode.


  # Whether the markdown interpreter assumes relative path when no / at the beginning of a link
  relative_path_md: True


New in v1.2.0

  # Whether the html links are made relative, instead of absolute.
  relative_path_html: False

Read more: Relative_path_html


  # Whether external http anchor links should have a target of "_blank"
  external_blank: False

strict line breaks

New in v3.3.0

  # When true, Obsidianhtml will not add three spaces at the end of every line
  strict_line_breaks: False

New in v3.5.0

  slugify_html_links: False

Read more: Slugify html links


New in v3.5.0

  img_alt_text_use_figure: True

This setting will create a <figcaption> for the image when an alt text is set. If you want the default Obsidian behavior (without any plugins), you can turn this off.



Added in v2.0.0

      layout: documentation               # documentation, tabs, minimal
      max_note_width: 120rem              # not supported for layout: tabs
      add_toc: True                       # add "[TOC]" (Table of Contents) when missing
      toc_pane: True                      # removes table of contents from the note and puts it in the right pane (not supported for layout:tabs)
      flip_panes: False                   # switch right and left pane around. (does nothing unless in documentation layout.)
      add_dir_list: True                  # show directory contents in one of the panes (only documentation layout). create_index_from_tags needs to be enabled for <v3.2.0
      accent_color: '65, 76, 253'
      loading_bg_color: '255, 255, 255'

Read more: Styling


    # Include code to build the graph view per page 
      enabled: True           # Include code to build the graph view per page
      coalesce_force: '-100'

Read more: Graph view

Create Index From Tags

    # Create an index.md with links to notes that have one of the given tags.
    # This index.md will serve as the entrypoint.
    # !! Enabling this feature will overwrite obsidian_entrypoint_path_str 
    # and md_entrypoint_path_str
      enabled: False
      add_links_in_graph_tree: True
      tags: []
        method: 'none'          # <key_value, creation_time, modified_time, none>
                                # ! created_time not available on Linux!
        key_path: ''            # empty for top level, use ':' to go down 
                                # multiple levels
        value_prefix: ''        # in case of multiple values under key_path, 
                                # match on this prefix, and then remove prefix
        reverse: false          # false/true reverses output
        none_on_bottom: true    # will put notes at the bottom that do not have 
                                # the sort key, otherwise at the top

Read more: Create index from tags

Create Index From Directory Structure

      enabled: False
        - ".git"
        - "__src"
        - "md"
        - "obs.html"
        - "index.html"
        - "favicon.ico"
        - "not_created.html"

Read more: Create Index from Directory Structure

    # Show backlinks at the bottom of each note
      enabled: True

Read more: Backlinks

Simple feature toggles

      enabled: True
      enabled: True
      enabled: True
      enabled: True
    backlinks:                  # Show backlinks at the bottom of each note
      enabled: True
      enabled: True
        show_icon: True
      enabled: True
        show_icon: True
        show_in_note_footer: True
      enabled: True
      enabled: False
Left-click: follow link, Right-click: select node, Scroll: zoom