
Auto push site using Git on Windows

I did not feel like rewriting this script. This is just here as a reference. Be sure to update all the hardcode values for something that makes sense for your environment.

Function Publish-ObsidianExample {


    $origin = pwd

    # Remove all files in repo except .git/ and README.md
    cd 'C:\Users\Installer\Documents\git\obsidian-html.github.io'

    if (-not $?){
        Write-Error "Could not cd to target dir. Excited"
        cd $origin
        return $false

    # remove all dirs except for .git
    $dirs = Get-ChildItem -Directory
    foreach ($dir in $dirs){
        if ($dir.Name -eq '.git'){
        $dir | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    # remove all files in root except for README.md
    $files = Get-ChildItem -File
    foreach ($file in $files){
        if ($file.Name -eq 'README.md'){
        $file | Remove-Item

    # Convert Obsidian to HTML
    cd "C:\Users\Installer\Documents\git\obsidian-html"
    python -m obsidianhtml -i "C:\Users\Installer\Documents\ObsidianServer\configs\obsidian_example.yml"

    if (-not $?){
        Write-Error "Python script failed. Exited."
        cd $origin
        return $false

    # Git push
    if ($NoPush -eq $false){
        cd 'C:\Users\Installer\Documents\git\obsidian-html.github.io'
        git add . --all
        git commit -m "autopush"
        git push

    cd $origin
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