Tags Page

This is the documentation for v3.5.0 and lower, for documentation for v4.0.0 and higher, see https://obsidian-html.github.io/

Preserve inline tags

Inline tags are preserved by default, but this will create polluted markdown output. You can disable this feature by setting:

    # Will preserve inline tags. This will give polluted markdown output
    preserve_inline_tags: False

The inline tags will be added to the tags_list regardless.

Tags page

      enabled: True
        show_icon: True
        show_in_note_footer: True

This is the default setting, and will create an html page at under <sitename>/obs.html/tags, see for example: /obs.html/tags.

Tags list in note

The show_in_note_footer setting above determines whether the tags will be listed at the bottom of each note as well. Note that you have to create the tags_page for this function to work, at the tags will be links pointing to their respective tag pages.

To disable the tags footer for certain notes, check out Note settings#no_tags_footer

Note on slashes

If you use slashes in your tags, these will be split into different pages (like a tree view).
E.g. adding the following frontyaml at the top of this note:

- feature/parsing_markdown
- date/2022-02-04

Will result in a page /obs.html/tags/feature/ which will contain (among others) a link to parsing_markdown, which will link to this note.