This is the documentation for v3.5.0 and lower, for documentation for v4.0.0 and higher, see
Auto push site to a local webserver on Windows
This is a nice method if your webserver is reachable over SSH from your workstation. Otherwise, I advise using the Git method or something along those lines.
I did not feel like rewriting this script. This is just here as a reference. Be sure to update all the hardcode values for something that makes sense for your environment.
Function Publish-Obsidian {
$PrivateKeyPath = $script:PrivateKeyPath
$ConfigFilePath = "C:\Users\Installer\Documents\ObsidianServer\configs\devfruits.yml"
$origin = pwd
# Convert Obsidian to HTML
cd "C:\Users\Installer\Documents\git\obsidian-html"
python -m obsidianhtml -i $ConfigFilePath
if (-not $?){
Write-Error "Python script failed. Exited."
cd $origin
return $false
# Delete files on the server
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("$($env:TEMP)\", "rm -rf /home/web/www/devfruits/*")
plink -batch -i $PrivateKeyPath user@webserver -m "$($env:TEMP)\"
# Upload new files
pscp -r -i $PrivateKeyPath C:\Users\Installer\Documents\ObsidianServer\LocalDevfruits\output\html\* user@webserver:/home/web/www/devfruits/
cd $origin