esc to dismiss
md --> html

    This is the documentation for v3.5.0 and lower, for documentation for v4.0.0 and higher, see

    A conversion in which we take a markdown wiki as input, instead of it being the result of a vault being converted to markdown (note --> html).

    When you add this setting, obsidianhtml will work in this manner:

      # Opt-in/-out of Obsidian->Md conversion, set to False when using proper markdown as input
      compile_md: False

    When you do, make sure that the following settings are correct:

    # Input and output path of markdown files
    # This can be an absolute or a relative path (relative to the working directory when calling obsidianhtml)
    # Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
    md_folder_path_str:  'path/to/md'
    # Markdown entrypoint path
    # This has to be md_folder_path_str + '/' when toggles/compile_md == True
    # This can be an absolute or a relative path (relative to the working directory when calling obsidianhtml)
    # Use full path or relative path, but don't use ~/
    md_entrypoint_path_str: 'path/to/md/'

    You might also be interested in:

    # Used to strip the http url hostpart of a link to get a relative link
    # e.g. for value "" then:
    #   "" --> /folder/
    md_source_host_urls: []
      # gitlab is case insensitive, this setting should be true when converting a wiki from that source
      # note that this does not impact the output, will be written to Hello.html
      force_filename_to_lowercase: False